Postings here, document and acknowledge the achievements of individuals honored by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) since the 1950 establishment of the organization.
Arthur Gunlogson - Life Member 1994
Born in North Dakota in 1928 into a family of Icelandic heritage, Arthur Gunlogson had his first exposure to structural engineering in high school when he worked for his grandfather, a construction contractor for bridges and buildings. Arthur obtained the BSCE from University of Washington in 1955.
He took his first job at the Los Angeles County Road Department, and after a brief stay took a position with CF Braun Petro-Chemical for a year, then Sandwell Pulp Co. for two years. During seven years with Kerry & Kramer he worked on some of his favorite projects: Tolt Dam, Westpoint Treatment Plant, and various fish hatchery projects.
Art worked with Crown Zellerbach for 23 years, becoming the primary facilities engineer. He then spent five years with Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Seattle, retiring from the firm to continue with contracts for Morgan Design, Inc.
Posted May 2012