Postings here, document and acknowledge the achievements of individuals honored by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) since the 1950 establishment of the organization.
Brian Trapp - President's Award/Seattle 1994 September 1962-December 2011
Growing up, Brian took an interest in construction, and knew at a very early age he would become an engineer.
Very active in Boy Scouts, he earned the rank of Eagle in his Sophomore year. Scouting introduced him to hiking and camping, and by his junior year in high school he had hiked across the Olympic Mountains twice.
Brian graduated from Lake Washington High School in 1980 and went to the University of Washington, graduating 1984 with a Civil Engineering degree. He worked for two years and decided to go back to the University of Washington and get his Masters Degree. He loved the challenges of involvement with building various types of structures. He worked with SNC-Lavalin on the construction of power plants.
Brian joined SEAW in 1987, and served as Refresher Course chair for four years in the 1990s.
Posted March 2012