Postings here, document and acknowledge the achievements of individuals honored by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) since the 1950 establishment of the organization.
Mark Leingang - SEAW Southwest President 2006
Mark Leingang graduated from St. Martin's College in 1982 with the BS in Civil Engineering.
He served as Director of Aerospace Operations for the Washington Air National Guard September 1991-October 2011. Beginning in 1996, he worked with the Port of Olympia as a Project Manager, managing and designing Port projects including container crane installations, docks and wharves improvements, cargo yard paving, container yard layouts and gatehouse/security improvements.
As Principal of MC Squared, Inc. 1998-2008, he designed and managed projects for private and government clients in the Pacific Northwest, including structural and civic design of buildings, port facilities, bridges, retaining walls, and foundations.
In 2009 he established TransOlympic Engineering, based in Montesano, as principal and owner. Areas of practice include structural and civil design of buildings, mills, industrial plants, port facilities, bridges, retaining walls and foundations.
Posted May 2012