Postings here, document and acknowledge the achievements of individuals honored by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) since the 1950 establishment of the organization.
Theodore Smith - President's Award 2015, 2010; Life Member 2013, Engineer of the Year 2004
Theodore E. "Ted" Smith came to Seattle from Richland to attend UW. He began his engineering career in Seattle in 1969 in a cooperative work-study program with KPFF Consulting Engineers. After obtaining a BSCE, he continued at KPFF until 1977 when he and Dick Ballinger formed Ballinger and Smith, Inc., which became Smith & Huston, Inc. in 1987.
Ted joined SEAW in 1976. He served on the Exam Committee beginning in 1982, and on the Engineer of the Year Committee. He chaired the Membership Committee for 10 years, and has served as Treasurer for SEAW and SEAW Seattle for 16+ years. He represented SEAW at the First National Summit on Separate Structural Engineer Licensing sponsored by SEI.
In 2011 Ted took part in the establishment of Structural Engineers Foundation of Washington as a founding member.
The 2015 President's Award recognizes his service as 2014-15 Program Chair, and longstanding service to SEAW as Treasurer.
In 2017, NCSEA presented Ted with the Robert Conforth Award, recognizing his dedicated service to the structural engineering profession and its organizations.
Posted March 2012. Updated June 2013, June 2015, May 2018