Postings here, document and acknowledge the achievements of individuals honored by the Structural Engineers Association of Washington (SEAW) since the 1950 establishment of the organization.
Tom Xia - President's Award 2013, 2009, 2005 September 20, 1956
Born in Beijing, China, Tom Xia graduated from Taiyuan University of Technology with the BSCE in 1981. He came to the US in 1986 to pursue graduate studies, and in 1990 earned the PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Michigan.Tom began working in the Seattle area in 1990, and joined DCI Engineers in 1994. He has become a Principal at DCI, and Technical Director for DCI's structural division. His recognized projects include NPIC Office Building in 1996; South Park Commercial Development Project in 2001; the Overlake Hospital Garage in 2002; 5th and Jackson Office Building in 2003 (recognized by NCSEA as Best Project of the Year), Tree House Building in 2004, Ashwood Residential Tower in 2006, the Washington Square Towers in 2007, and the Bravern Office and Residential Towers (shown here) in 2009. An SEAW member since 1994, Tom chaired the Earthquake Engineering Committee 2008-2013. In addition to his SEAW activities, he serves with the NCSEA Code Advisory Committee Seismic Provisions Group, ACSE 7 Seismic Sub-Committee, and the BSSC Code Resource Support Committee.
Posted May 2012. Updated June 2013